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Building you high value spaces, to elevate your homes


At UPC, our focus is on delivering home renovations that are stress-free and provide high value for our clients. We understand that renovating your home is a big step, and we want to give our clients the tools and information they need to make informed decisions. We take a structured approach to every project, with a concentrated team dedicated to delivering high value projects effectively and efficiently. 


We've built our reputation on transparency, honesty, and a commitment to excellence. From small remodels to large-scale renovations; we'll work with you every step of the way to ensure that your vision is realised on time and within budget. Contact us today to get started on your dream home!



At UPC, we understand that planning and completing a construction project can often be overwhelming. That's why we offer a range of services to support our clients through each step of the process, ensuring that it is easy and efficient. Discover how we can help make your dream project a reality today.

Get in Touch

0208 129 9939


Instagram: @upc_ltd

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